Foundations Guidelines and Values
One of the exciting things about Foundations is that we have participants attending from different parts of the world, with varying backgrounds, or widely differing ages, gifts and understandings. It is stimulating and exciting to be able to make new friends, yet it is not always simple when many people from different backgrounds get together in one place for a week!
When attending Foundations it is very important that you have read and agree to live within the Foundations Guidelines and Values.
Being Part of the Team
Addictive Substances
All Fusion events are drug and alcohol free. Foundations is no exception. Any course participants who bring, buy, use or give to others any form of illegal drug or alcoholic substance, or misuse or
distribute any legal drug will be immediately asked to leave. We take this seriously, because there are people within our community for whom these substances have become a destructive force in their
Prescribed Medication
If you are carrying any prescribed medication we ask that you record the details of this on your Personal Information form, including the dosage. Even something as simple as a packet of mild pain
killers can be potentially life threatening in the wrong hands. During the Foundations week we ask that you have any medication clearly marked with your name and that you are careful not to leave it
lying around. If it is a substance that might be harmful to others we may ask you to leave it in the care of your small group leader for the week. We will negotiate this with you on an individual basis.
Cell Phones
We ask that you leave your cell phone in your room (which has a lock) and use/check on breaks only. The course is about relationships and living in community and we understand that cell phones can be a huge distraction that we hope to minimize during our time together.
relationships during the week. We have found in the past that this has been a distraction for people, making it difficult for them to focus or to participate fully in course activities.
Course Attendance and Curfew
Relating to Others
In the same way, we ask that you do not enter into a counselling-type relationship or give advice to other course participants. It is normal for most of us to want to help people, and this is a great thing. However, the chances are that most of us won’t understand other’s backgrounds and vulnerabilities. In the past, people have been damaged by the inappropriate advice of well-meaning individuals
advocating their point of view.
We also ask that you do not offer to take children or young people out of the camp without first relating to their parents or primary caregivers. This includes other people your own age who you may have met here. If you are unsure, check with your small group leader or one of the Foundations leaders.