Fusion Canada Training

Matty Coppin (Fusion Canada Training Coordinator)
Fusion Canada and Kairos University
Fusion Canada and Kairos University have entered into an exciting partnership to create a system of theological education specifically formed around Fusion’s culture and process of mission able to serve the Fusion Movement here in Canada and around the world.
For over 10 years Fusion and Taylor Seminary have dreamed of finding a way to promote and enhance Fusion’s “Foundations Course,” and to provide a way for Foundations participants to continue to deepen their own theological education. Now that dream is a reality.
We call it the Fusion Canada Training.
Kairos is an innovative approach to theological education that surrounds the learner with a 3-person mentor team to guide the student through the educational journey directed largely by what God is doing in the student’s context and at the student’s pace and manner of learning. By viewing the student through 3 lenses rather than just one, particular attention can be given to personal transformation and the vocational relevance of the learning, along with the more traditional attention to academic credibility. By situating the educational journey in the student’s context, student learning is immediately relevant to what God is already doing there.
The Fusion-Kairos Partnership will unfold in three stages:

Stage One
Fusion Canada will strengthen the ministry of Fusion in Canada by helping sponsor students in the Fusion Canada Training to be specifically formed in the Fusion ethos and Process of Mission. These workers could be planting churches, working in community development, or preparing for some other facet of a Fusion-shaped ministry. Regardless of the vocation to which these folks are called, this will help strengthen Fusion’s work here in Canada. This stage is already in place and growing.

Stage Two
A group of Fusion leaders will earn the degrees necessary to prepare them to lead others through the educational journey. Since the cost of faculty is the greatest fixed cost in the Kairos system, Fusion having its own qualified faculty will significantly aid in making the journey affordable in the various contexts around the world where Fusion works. This stage is already well on its way. Several Fusion leaders have begun their journey with Kairos, and others are in the discernment process as to what their future role might be.

Stage Three
Once Fusion has its own faculty mentors prepared to lead others in the Kairos journey, Fusion Canada will partner with international Fusion personnel to provide a Kairos journey for members of their teams. Already Fusion partners around the world are beginning the discernment process to help us identify how the Fusion Canada Training might strengthen the work in their country. As you can probably imagine, there is significant interest from Fusion partners around the world to join the journey of theological education.
The Students

Matty Coppin
Fusion Canada Training Coordinator

David Campbell

Ashley Coppin

Maddi Garvin

Craig Townsend

Michala Barker

Jocelyn Hansen